From real-life experience comes inspiration for a great story! What better story to share than the challenges and rewards of parenting? eBooks2go highlights Golden Brick Road’s parent turned author, Giulia Ferrari as she takes a humorous and realistic view of life pre- and post-baby in Your Parents Are Cool. A book for parents by parents, Your Parents Are Cool will have readers laughing as it hilariously highlights the kid-free days and adventures into the world of being a new parent. Ferrari reflects that “the book came to life,” when its pages were filled with artwork by famous fashion illustrator, Sarah Hankinson.
Ferrari is a Melbourne-based author who was inspired to write this book by the life-changing birth of her daughter. “As soon as I had my daughter, Alexa, my life totally changed. I would talk to my friends and we all felt the same way. So, I had the idea to write a kid’s book about how life changes after having kids.”
She hopes her readers will not only relate to her book, but also find a sense of comradery. “I hope to make new parents laugh at how life changes once you have a baby. To make them feel like they are not alone, we all are in it together. Life does change, but for the better.”
An Interview with the Cool Parent
What has been your proudest moment as a parent so far?
Being told my daughter is kind.
Who would Alexa say is cooler? You, or dad?
Her dad, he spoils her.
Were your parents cool?
The coolest.
What was the best piece of parenting advice you received from your parents?
It’s not about you anymore.
How did it feel when you held a copy of your book for the first time?
Proud as punch.
Who was the first person you showed your book to?
I remember walking into Readings® bookstore in Melbourne and showing Martin Shaw, their head book buyer at the time. He had just been out the night before with his wife for the first time since having kids. He totally got the book! He ordered copies on the spot. It was great timing!
What were some of your biggest takeaways during your first year as a writer?
That it comes down to having an idea, executing it, having courage, persistence, and a little luck.
What advice would you give to an aspiring writer?
To step back from your work, take the time to assess, don’t rush creativity. Also read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
I’m a biography/autobiography kinda girl, but I’m totally obsessed with Kevin Kwan.
Parents Supporting Parents
If you haven’t read Giulia Ferrari’s eBook yet, download Your Parents Are Cool from today!