As eBooks2go approaches its third year of operation, one consistency remains evident. When consideration to publish comes about, authors call and continue to ask the same questions. They want to know whether or not they should utilize digital as a means to circulate their work, and if they will still gain the same recognition that authors with printed material do. Of course as a full service digital conversion provider our answer is virtually always “yes”, but there are plenty of reasons why that is the case. Let’s contemplate why it is important for authors, especially first time published writers, to select digital publishing as their primary source of production.
If and when an author chooses to publish an eBook, he/she will see the results almost instantaneously. The entire process occurs at a fraction of the time it would take for a publishing company to produce physical printed copies of your text. After combining the time it takes to pitch a concept to an agent/publisher and the actual print process itself, it may be over a year until an author is able to find their book on the shelves.
Easy To Build
By opting to go with a digital conversion service, authors can go from a manuscript to finished eBook in a matter of weeks. Companies, like eBooks2go, can translate multiple text formats (PDF, Word doc., and even paperback) into various layouts that are widely used in eBook creation (Mobi Pocket for Amazon Kindle). Transforming your book is a very cost-efficient way of making your book available on a multitude of eReading devices, from a variety of eRetailers, to tens of millions of readers worldwide.
Special Features
Perhaps the underlying benefit of digital publishing is the value-added experience that products like eBooks can offer. Dominant enrichment’s, like the introduction of audio and video files into the linear story line of a book, add substantial interactive qualities to your product which cannot be replicated in a printed version of your book.
Worldwide Distribution
As larger distributors (Amazon, Apple, Kobo) continue to craft unique stores and expand to foreign territories, authors place themselves in prime position to take advantage of an emerging eBook marketplace. Through the use of digital publication, authors aren’t limited to certain regulations, a specific market, or even shelf space like they would be using print. The worldwide web is much more expansive than the local bookstore will ever be. Using these powerhouse distribution houses as partners lends authors the ability to mass broadcast their work right away.
Huge Test Market
According to Kathryn Zickuhr and Lee Rainie of www.pewinternet.org, nearly half (47%) of those under 30 read an e-book in 2013, similar to the 42% of those ages 30-49. E-readership also amplified among readers ages 50-64, from 23% in November 2012 to 35% in January 2014. However, the e-reading rate among booklovers ages 65 and older remains around 17%. Due to the rise in e-readers, it would seem illogical for authors not to showcase their stories in a digital format. By posing their work in this fashion, authors can gather what kind of interest their book is generating through online reviews and social networks. Printed authors have that same luxury, but can’t make corrections if their novel flops. Authors of eBooks have the ability to alter their books based on reader’s reactions/suggestions quickly. A re-released edition of their book is very feasible because they haven’t tapped all of their funds on print.
Traditionally, the bigger the name of the publishing company, the bigger the cut of your profits. Mark Graban, author of Lean Hospitals & Healthcare Kaizen, states that the old-fashioned publishing model still gives authors, at best, a 15% royalty on book sales. When an author publishes an eBook, they elect what price to sell their book for as well as which retail partners to allocate through. This process affords them the opportunity to obtain as much as 70% in royalties for their book. Another plus is that as an author, you keep the rights to your work and also decide what lies between the covers.
At the end of the day, it all comes down to an author’s preferences. Although eBooks and digital publishing are extremely advantageous to the unrecognized scribes of the world, what benefits does it provide to accomplished authors? The reality of the situation is that our lives are merging into the digital realm whether we can help it or not. Authors and people in general, have come to cope with this change. Nowadays you’d be hard-pressed to find a best-selling author who does not utilize some facet of digital publishing. Books are no longer just procured in print, but more in combination with digital. This amalgamation will remain steady for years to come. As an author, it’s up to you how to utilize them.