Your novel is complete, e-published and mega-online retailers selling it in 200 countries around the world. Joy? Nope, we have seen authors seized by Facebook Fear Disorder, Twitter Trauma and LinkedIn- Lost- Password Syndrome destroy their chance at #BestSeller Ranking.
We understand. Fear of engaging in social media outlets has paralyzed our favorite authors and precisely why we brought in a Swat Social Media Surf Team who can scan and diagnose catastrophic social media errors and keep Authors afloat. We help authors. We sell books. We make money.
We offer one-on-one consultation pre and post distribution and research shows, it works. You know you best and we will start teaching, coaching at whatever level of social media is comfortable.
Here is what we do:
1. Coach and educate on social media. You pick.
2. Help sharpen your brand and target audience.
3. Increase sales = more money.
4. Connect authors with a community of like-minded readers.
5. Inoculate against social media disorders!